Google is sending tonnes of visitors to the WordPress blogs all over the world. With WordPress, one does not need to be an SEO specialist or spend their time in learning the ways to rank websites on search engines. Furthermore, there is no need to get to know coding or the complex process. This article covers some easy and important WordPress SEO tips that will improve the ranking of a website in few weeks. So, just go through the following, understand and apply the tips for your WordPress website.
Improve the speed of the WordPress website

Website speed plays a crucial role in bringing heavy traffic on a site. It is seen that a site that takes more than three seconds to load is likely to lose potential customers. Even Google penalizes slow loading sites rather than rewarding fast loading sites. One of the ways to get rid of such penalties is to improve the speed of your website. To improve the speed of your website, follow the given steps.
- Install and configure any top rated caching plugin.
- Your site might have huge images. Compress and re-upload them.
- Get reliable hosting provider.
Step 2 might seem time-consuming, but it’s one of the very effective WordPress SEO tips. Once you are done with the above tips, again check the speed of your website. You will see a significant improvement in the speed of your website.
Remove thin content

Thin content is referred to a page that has less than 300 words and does not hold much value to the reader. It hardly does any benefit to the readers, hence, it needs to be deleted. If you are keeping the unwanted pages on your site, you are actually doing no good to your site. It’s better to delete them and fill your site with better-performing pages. If yours is an e-commerce site, it can be quite tough to determine the thin content. Such e-commerce sites have product pages that lack proper word count.
Make your website mobile-friendly

Mobile-friendly WordPress Theme
Out of all the WordPress SEO tips, mobile friendliness is the most crucial one. Desktops are left behind in the mobile-driven world as more number of people are surfing the web via mobile devices and other devices like tabs. And this trend is going to continue with increasing mobile devices that offer improved voice qualities. Google is well aware of this and thus it rewards mobile responsive WordPress websites with better rankings. The ultimate goal of Google is to offer best browsing experience to the end user. Of course, the experience of viewing a mobile responsive website on a mobile device will give the best user experience to the end users. How can you achieve a mobile responsive website? To create a mobile-friendly website, you need to Buy WordPress themes. On the other hand, you can even optimize your website if you do not want to change the theme by just adding responsive codes in CSS. and here you go your exsisting theme can also turns into Responsive Theme.
Review the internal links and the structure of your WordPress website
Easy to navigate web pages aids the SEO of a website. It’s important to add internal links to the important pages within your website. Internal linking is nothing but giving hyperlink to the keywords or buttons. Ensure that the navigation on your website is clean and that they do not link to more than five to fifteen pages within your website pages. If you do not know what all pages are more significant for your website, look at the analytics of your website. You will come to know what all pages are getting more traffic.
Insert Alt text in all the images on your website

The WordPress SEO tips do not end without including the concept of alt text. It’s not a tough task to add alt text to the images on your site. In fact, this simple way is very advantageous in bringing heavy website traffic. Additionally, the alt text is used by Google to identify the page topic. This helps in improving your search engine ranking even on non-image searches. There are some tools available that determines the images on your website that do not have alt text.
Wrapping up
Now, you are familiar with the solid WordPress SEO tips. So, without wasting much of your time, implement these tips on your WordPress website. Shortly, within several weeks, you will see the improved ranking of your website in search engines. You can also check out our blog 7 solid ways to update your WordPress website to know more tips to get beeter results. If you're looking for a new WP theme, then be sure to check out our latest WP theme bundle. We've put together some of the best themes on the market, and they're all available at a fraction of the cost. So why not take a look and see for yourself?