Collapsible content

Are the stock photos featured in the theme demo included in the purchase?

The images present in the themes are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) licence. This means you can use them for free for any personal and commercial purpose. Attribution is not required. The images are used to give the visitor a functional preview of what the theme will look like once content has been added.

Are your themes compatible with plugins and widgets?

We style and code our themes to be compatible with most standard WordPress plugins and widgets.
Thus, some plugins and widgets may cause the theme to “break” in certain browsers. We make every attempt to prepare our themes for them, but cannot guarantee it will work in every situation.

Are your themes compatible with the latest version of WordPress?

Yes, we make it a priority to always keep the themes up-to-date and working with the latest version of WordPress. Our themes are developed and fine-tuned for WordPress 3.0 or higher.

Can I call you?

No, we do not offer phone call support. This enables us to keep our prices as low as possible for our customer community. We do answer email as fast as possible and offer best in industry support.